[Salon] Securing America - Yoram Hazony on the ongoing Israel-Hamas war - Center for Security Policy

Just to show what is taking place in the U.S. domestic side of Israel’s opportunistic all-out genocidal/ethnic cleansing of Gaza, aligned/coordinated with the Israeli Settler's expansion of their own ethnic cleansing, and “concentration camp-like imprisonment” of Palestinians, by sealing them off into small enclaves/ghettos, here is their primary U.S. propagandist at the links below, after the Levy link. 

In the spirit of sharing all sides of Israel’s on-going war against the Palestinians, which didn’t “begin” October 7, the day of a Palestinian counter-attack to Israel’s perpetual attacks in all the “domains of war, here is Yoram Hazony’s “rebuttal” to Gideon Levy’s article shared here earlier: https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/2023-10-19/ty-article-opinion/.premium/the-war-in-gaza-must-stop-immediately/0000018b-43ec-d614-abcf-ebff3ecd0000.

Hazony’s is the argument of the Israeli fascists for the annihilation of Palestinians, in my opinion, espoused by the leading spokesperson for Israeli Settler Movement, and Cognitive Warfare specialist, aimed at the U.S./EU audience. And informing, and echoed/amplified by, the U.S. “New Right/National Conservatives.” Like we’re seeing with Trump/DeSantis. Who always eagerly promote the Hazony/Peter Thiel cognitive warfare memes for war on China, Russia, and Iran, camouflaged as “Right-wing Peaceniks,” made easy by non-thinking  people. 

In this "NatCon Squad” discussion, produced by the Edmund Burke Foundation/Yoram Hazony, Producer, one can see the genocidal impulse in the two speakers leading off this “cognitive operation,” of Hazony’s “NatCon Squad” (in my opinion). With a masterpiece of “historical revisionism,” which they and their associated fanatics specialize in, with apologies for whoever that offends:

Link to article below: 

Videos at the link above are here, with Frank Gaffney and Yoram Hazony a perfect pairing:

Quote (imperfect transcribing): “The front-line states, whose job it is under the Trump Doctrine, were/are building up regional actors to do the work, the number one regional actor whose job it is to do this work, on behalf of Americans and Europeans, and every other decent person, but primarily because that’s in Israel’s interest, it is in the interests of Israel and the Jewish people. The primary front-line actor, is Israel.” 
Then going on to explain how the U.S. role must be like Reagan’s to Margaret Thatcher in the Falkland’s war, and giving instructions to Conservatives on the propaganda line they must follow, with unlimited aid to Israel inherently in his call for unbounded U.S. support in every way but "boots on the ground” in Israel. Which the Israeli right-wing has a history of resenting the U.S. for when in proximity to the IDF in battle, as it brings forth witnesses to their on-going war crimes (which we’re not above either), such as in Beirut. 

Securing America – Yoram Hazony on the ongoing Israel-Hamas war


With Yoram Hazony

YORAM HAZONY, Author, Conservatism: A Rediscovery

  • “Key enemies” shared by the United States and Israel
  • People trying to “assign blame” for the Israel-Hamas war
  • An alternative to the view that the U.S. must be the “world’s police force”
  • How can the U.S. reduce its “own world footprint”?
  • Are there individuals in Gaza who oppose the rule of Hamas?

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